General settings [display ]
Field delimiter

Paste file

Entry key

Entry type



This BibTeΧ editor was made to speed up manipulation of entries that need a lot of manual processing. This happens fairly often in humanities where you frequently deal with historical or grey literature or archive records that are not delivered in BibTeΧ or any other common database format or at least not in satisfying quality (as fi. the BibTeΧ export of Google Books). It was never meant as a replacement for reference managers like JabRef and very likely will never be. There are a few things I am going to add in near future as they fit perfectly to the data structure:

  • On the fly character substitition
  • File upload through HTML5 file API
  • Renaming entry fields
  • Replace field name aliases of the old plain BibTeΧ styles

There are a few caveats, though. The biggest problem is the BibTeΧ parser needed for uploads. I tested several pure JavaScript libraries, but none of them proved flawless. I finally relied on BibTex.js by Steve Hannah. @STRING, @PREAMBLE and @COMMENT are simply ignored. Another problem is that I have no solution for how to design a special interface for the keyword field? Some hints:

Online biblatex Editor 1
  • If you click into a line with an entry key in the output textarea, the corresponding entry gets loaded.
  • If you click into a line with a field name, this particular field gets loaded (but the entry itself will not refresh!).
  • Be careful with entry cloning! One often forgets to update all relevant data. If you are going to record a lot of similar entries, create a template for cloning.