Meine Kommentare im Internet
Project Honeypot
- 2.3.2014: IP
- Kortschnoj – Uhlmann, Leipzig 2014 (Zeit) Kommentar Nr. 3 (Archäopath)
Eine Testseite für das Layout der Domäne von Ingram Braun
A long-eared owl (Asio otus, German Waldohreule) in my parent’s apple tree in Vellmar-West on February 13th, 2021. Click to enlarge!
Image gallery showing the snowy garden of my parent’s home in Vellmar-West, Hamburger Str. 25, on Ferbruary 12, 2021.
These are photographs I have taken on December 22, 2021 at my parents’ home in Vellmar-West, Hamburger Straße 25 when fresh hoarfrost laid over street and garden.
This is a demo page in the scope of my chess replay utilities test.