biblatex-archaeology in its environment Ⅶ: CiteDrive

biblatex-archaeology in its environment Ⅶ: CiteDrive

CiteDrive is a collaborative online reference manager for BibTeΧ. Its strengthens are the possibility to pick up references from online sources like PubMed or Google Scholar via a Browser plugin (“CiteDrive Companion”) and the integration into several LaTeΧ editors like Overleaf or RStudio. It can produce cite commands for LaTeΧ and Pandoc as well. I…

biblatex-archaeology in its environment Ⅴ: TeX4ht for HTML or MS Word conversion

biblatex-archaeology in its environment Ⅴ: TeX4ht for HTML or MS Word conversion

There have been a couple of projects that aim to convert LaTeΧ sources to HTML, XML or MS Word. Only two have gained a broader interest of the audience: LaTeΧML TeΧ4ht (htlatex). The former does not support BibLaTeΧ. So we are stuck to TeΧ4ht. As the name indicates it was originally a TeX to HTML…

Screenshot: my website followed by a Mastodon account

Subscribe to my Website Feed in Fediverse (fi. Mastodon)

It is now possible to subscribe to my website feed in your Fediverse client. Put into the search field of your client – Mastodon in most cases. If this does not yield the expected result, try the profile URL You will get a profile which you can follow in the usual way. All new…

Screenshot Ello 6. September 2023

Soziales Netzwerk „Ello“ abgeschaltet

Erinnert sich noch jemand an das soziale Netzwerk Ello? 2014, als Facebook versuchte, eine Klarnamenpflicht einzuführen, wechselten viele FB-Nutzer dorthin. Bis dahin war es ein werbefreies Netzwerk für Grafiker und Fotografen gewesen. Eine Art Pinterest, nur mit besserem Content. Nach einigen Monaten flaute der Hype wieder ab, und Ello fiel in seine ursprüngliche Nische zurück….

Screenshot of WordPress plugin page “WP Tournament Registration” v1.2a August 8th 2023.

WP Tournament Registration 1.2a released

My WP Tournament Registration plugin for WordPress sees now its release 1.2a. It was made to speed up tournament inscriptions through advance registrations in my local chess club ESV Rot-Weiß Göttingen. Main purpose of the release is a fix of the message field, which on some installations did not put the message into the database….