Category: Software

biblatex-archaeology in its environment Ⅱ: Zotero and Citavi 6

biblatex-archaeology in its environment Ⅱ: Zotero and Citavi

I assume that most German archaeologists employ Zotero or Citavi to collect their references. Both are web-based reference managers today, and both are capable to export BibTeΧ files. The main issue is that their database structure is not as in high resolution as BibTeΧ and especially bibLaTeΧ are. Zotero In order to export refrences from Zotero to biblatex-archaeology you should...

Rezension von biblatex-archaeology [v2.2] in den „Archäologischen Informationen“ 9

Rezension von biblatex-archaeology [v2.2] in den „Archäologischen Informationen“

Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte (DGUF) hat in ihrer Verbandszeitschrift Archäologische Informationen im 51. Jahr ihres Bestehens erstmals eine Softwarerezension abgedruckt. Und man glaubt es kaum, sie betrifft mein biblatex-archaeology Paket. Die Besprechung von Anne Klammt, Forschungsleiterin für digitale Geisteswissenschaften am Deutschen Forum für Kunstgeschichte in Paris, fällt recht wohlwollend aus. Early View bei der DGUF Druckfassung im...

Converting chess diagrams to machine readable FEN with Chessify 10

Converting chess diagrams to machine readable FEN with Chessify

Chessify is a multi-service chess platform. Since I am not registered with I cannot say much about it. But a single feature of their phone app is really amazing: it allows to take photos of chess diagrams (printed or screen) and converts them into FEN (Forsyth-Edwards-Notation). This is a standard for machine readable description of chess positions. PGN employs it...