Tag: typesetting

biblatex-archaeology in its environment Ⅱ: Zotero and Citavi 6

biblatex-archaeology in its environment Ⅱ: Zotero and Citavi

I assume that most German archaeologists employ Zotero or Citavi to collect their references. Both are web-based reference managers today, and both are capable to export BibTeΧ files. The main issue is that their database structure is not as in high resolution as BibTeΧ and especially bibLaTeΧ are. Zotero In order to export refrences from Zotero to biblatex-archaeology you should...

biblatex-archaeology v2.2 released 8

biblatex-archaeology v2.2 released

Good news! Yesterday version 2.2 of my LaTeΧ package biblatex-archaeology was released, with which it comes close to feature completeness. There are no new features on my to-do list, only some minor improvements of existing features and better documentation. Unfortunately there was a huge delay in upgrading, and since the release of biblatex 3.14 biblatex-archaeology stopped working at all. I...