Updating a Tiny Tiny RSS install behind a reverse proxy
I had a hard time when trying to update my Tiny Tiny RSS instance running as Docker container behind Nginx as reverse proxy. I experienced a lot of nasty 502 errors because the container did not return proper data to Nginx. I fixed it in the following manner: First I deleted all the containers and…

WP Tournament Registration v1.3.0 released
Only a small bugfix because E-mail notification when new participantts register did not work. Now fixed! Remark that I had to fix the docs, too. The E-mail field does not expect an address but a comma-separated list of WordPress user names and fetches the addy from the datbase. Head over to project site!

Setting up Twitter-like lists on Bluesky
Twitter-like Bluesky is still at beta test stage at the time being. Some features we were used to on Twitter are still lacking. Amongst others there is no straight implementation of lists. Nevertheless, setting up lists is possible on Bluesky but it is stil somewhat cumbersome. In this post I am going to show you,…

Subscribe to my Website Feed in Fediverse (fi. Mastodon)
It is now possible to subscribe to my website feed in your Fediverse client. Put into the search field of your client – Mastodon in most cases. If this does not yield the expected result, try the profile URL https://ingram-braun.net/erga/@website You will get a profile which you can follow in the usual way. All new…

Soziales Netzwerk „Ello“ abgeschaltet
Erinnert sich noch jemand an das soziale Netzwerk Ello? 2014, als Facebook versuchte, eine Klarnamenpflicht einzuführen, wechselten viele FB-Nutzer dorthin. Bis dahin war es ein werbefreies Netzwerk für Grafiker und Fotografen gewesen. Eine Art Pinterest, nur mit besserem Content. Nach einigen Monaten flaute der Hype wieder ab, und Ello fiel in seine ursprüngliche Nische zurück….

Configuring Friendica with Redis
I cannot remember exactly why I chose Friendica when I wanted to take a look on the Fediverse years ago but very likely it was because it is written in PHP which I have considerable skills of. I wasn’t familiar with Docker containers at that time. So I ended up with a bare metal instance…

WP Tournament Registration 1.2a released
My WP Tournament Registration plugin for WordPress sees now its release 1.2a. It was made to speed up tournament inscriptions through advance registrations in my local chess club ESV Rot-Weiß Göttingen. Main purpose of the release is a fix of the message field, which on some installations did not put the message into the database….

Lessons learned from recent server and website updates
Content-Security-Policy Regarding the CSP header, the prefetch-src entry is deprecated and should be removed. More at Mozilla! Nginx and HTTP/3 The Nginx version in Ubuntu 22.04 is pretty old (1.18) and has reached EOL yet. For receiving newer releases one must add the Nginx repository from nginx.org to the package manager and remove the old…

Running Java Applets and Flash Videos in Current Browsers
One of the great successes of the early years of ingram-braun.net was the Chess Replay Utilities Synopsis which provided an overview over all then available chess game viewers ready for embedding in websites. Most of the projects enlisted there are now defunct. However, my demo pages are still there. Even of those viewers that were…