Screenshot Knightvision Chess PGN viewer on June 2023.

Running Java Applets and Flash Videos in Current Browsers

One of the great successes of the early years of was the Chess Replay Utilities Synopsis which provided an overview over all then available chess game viewers ready for embedding in websites. Most of the projects enlisted there are now defunct. However, my demo pages are still there. Even of those viewers that were…

Pandoc screenshot
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biblatex-archaeology in its environment Ⅳ: Pandoc

Pandoc is a command line tool for converting from one markup to another. It uses a largely enhanced markdown syntax as intermediate format. This allows for adding input and output filters for only one format instead of writing them for every possible conversion anew. In case you don’t know what markdown is: It was invented…

LyX document settings bibliography
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biblatex-archaeology in its environment Ⅲ: LyΧ

LyΧ is an editor for LaTeΧ that resembles WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors like Microsoft Word or LibreOffice. This is achieved by employing a HTML like reduced command set screen output and full LaTeΧ for printable formats. Thus the applicable LaTeΧ commands are limited to those for which screen macro complement…

Zotero Better BibTeX export preferences screenshot

biblatex-archaeology in its environment Ⅱ: Zotero and Citavi

I assume that most German archaeologists employ Zotero or Citavi to collect their references. Both are web-based reference managers today, and both are capable to export BibTeΧ files. The main issue is that their database structure is not as in high resolution as BibTeΧ and especially bibLaTeΧ are. Zotero In order to export refrences from…