Eitschess Live Broadcasting Chess Viewer
.Vom 1. Mai bis zum 2. Juni fand in Göttingen das Play Forward Gaming Festival statt, auf dem alle Arten von Spielen, sowohl analoge wie digitale, präsentiert werden. Die Schachabteilung des ESV Rot-Weiß-Göttingen hat dabei erstmals einen Stand gehabt, auf dem sie ihre Angebote präsentieren konnte. Darüber wird in einem eigenen Artikel auf der Webseite…
A demonstration of the evolution of a r-pentomino in the standard Game of Life (23/3 world).
The look and feel of SCID 4.3 JavaScript replay utility is demonstrated here.
I had a hard time when trying to update my Tiny Tiny RSS instance running as Docker container behind Nginx as reverse proxy. I experienced a lot of nasty 502 errors because the container did not return proper data to Nginx. I fixed it in the following manner: First I deleted all the containers and…
I have released a new version of my Perl script archive.pl. Besides some minor enhancements and corrections it is now capable to operate the Internet Archive web submission interface through a proxy server. This is to circumvent the submission limit of 15 URLs per minute and IP by employing a proxy server that is capable…
A demo page of the KnightVision Chess PGN Viewer in the scope of my chess games replay test project.